About Zerogen

About Us

Zerogen, a collaboration between Gippsland businesses Marathon Futures Industries, Ferguson Civil and Nexsys Industries Consulting, has been established to drive and lead the development of the green hydrogen economy in Gippsland and in Australia’s regions.

Zerogen is acting now, bringing together a consortium of local and global businesses to drive production, distribution and use of green, sustainable hydrogen into an integrated domestic hydrogen economy. Our collective focus is to retain the value and benefit in our local communities, rather than an initial focus on export, as many other projects are proposing.

We also strive to build the integration of this future energy source into our existing agricultural, manufacturing and food supply chains. We’re committed to a holistic and systemic approach to waste management, and a complete change to the way we view and use materials and energy in our community.

Circular Economy

A circular economy is one where resources and materials are reused and retained, rather than being used once and disposed. We seek to create higher value materials and future energy resources instead of sending our wastes for disposal, at a cost to all of us. Our regions are full of wasted and underutilised resources – especially those that do not have mature or established recycling or reuse markets. In particular, we focus on materials that would otherwise be buried (landfilled) or burnt (incinerated). We believe that these resources can be better utilised in the production of zero-emissions hydrogen energy and advanced agricultural and manufacturing materials.

Zerogen have partnered with leading research institutions to improve our understanding of materials entering our waste management system, and through this, to identify and enable us as a community and businesses to increasingly divert materials from waste. Where we can’t yet divert materials, we’ll use them for creating zero-emissions hydrogen and other advanced materials.

Circular Economy - Zerogen
Hydrogen - Zerogen


We focus on the whole value chain of hydrogen production, distribution and utilisation/consumption, supported by a strong platform of co-design, technology, support services and skills, both directly and with our partners. At Zerogen, we are driving the establishment of regional hydrogen economies, where hydrogen as a flexible, zero-emissions energy source is integrated into our existing industrial and transport infrastructure.

With our partners, we are working to decarbonise the food supply chain and waste management sectors, with a particular emphasis on recognised hard-to-abate industries such as heavy transport, industry and manufacturing, and farm operations.



MoveH2 is on a mission to decarbonise the heavy and light distribution haulage industry through the power of Hydrogen.

Our German Engineered Electric propulsion and Hydrogen fuel cell systems are a clean and efficient way to power commercial vehicles. Our scalable solution is based on a flexible architecture to efficiently balance range and payload to suit your specific needs. Targeting the highest levels of global automotive functional safety compliance, you can be confident our solutions will deliver a reliable and safe product.

MoveH2’s research, development and implementation team consists of a combination of dedicated Automotive experts and key strategic suppliers who specialise in electric propulsion and hydrogen fuel cell systems. The dedicated team has a proven track record of delivering homologated vehicles in Australia, across the Asia Pacific and many other global market.

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For Our Environment

Technology - Zerogen


Creating hydrogen through zero and near zero carbon emissions technologies. We are partnering with international technology providers and leading research institutes to commercialise and deploy new and innovative technologies for the creation of hydrogen from wasted resources in our regions.

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Water - Zerogen


Water is a valuable resource, and in many communities and regions, one that is increasingly scarce. We’ve established Zerogen to create alternative approaches to the creation of green hydrogen, with these communities in mind.

Emissions - In Production - Zerogen

Emissions - In Production

Our technologies are specifically chosen and developed to have zero or near zero carbon emissions in the production of our hydrogen. We source our grid power through agreements directly with renewable energy generators, however our facilities are designed to be primarily self-generating, limiting our exposure to grid energy wherever possible.

Emissions - In Use - Zerogen

Emissions - In Use

Hydrogen, when used for the production of electricity, heat or both, produces no carbon emissions, and can replace carbon-intensive energy sources such as electricity from coal-fired power stations, oil (and oil derivatives such as diesel) or natural gas.

Emissions - Through Diversion of Materials - Zerogen

Emissions – through diversion of materials destined for landfill or incineration

The burial or incineration of carbonaceous resources such as food and agricultural organic wastes, single use plastics, tyres, textiles creates carbon emissions, that can be avoided through better and higher value uses. Often these practices are out of sight and out of mind for many in our community, as we often don’t know where these materials end up once they leave our hand.

Waste Materials in Our Environment - Zerogen

Waste materials in our environment

As a community we’ve seen the dramatic increase in use and disposal of single use materials, such as face masks and personal protective equipment through our COVID response. This has added another layer of disposal challenges to existing waste management practices. Whilst some single use materials are increasingly being diverted or banned, more can be done.

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For Our Community


Landfill is expensive. Community members, local councils and businesses all bear the cost of our reliance on landfill as a solution to our waste production across our community. We can do better. By diverting the majority of our wasted materials and resources from landfill and creating valuable future energy sources and materials, we not only save our community money immediately, but reduce the cost and impact of waste infrastructure and emissions to future generations.


Zerogen and our consortium partners are driving and facilitating local investment in jobs and manufacturing capability in renewable energy. Our distributed network of hydrogen production facilities ensured that we create jobs and retain value of our investment locally. The development of each facility will create jobs in local communities, diver.

Community - Zerogen
Community - In Collaboration - Zerogen

In Collaboration

In our experience, the only way businesses and communities can lead the transition to a zero emissions future is through collaboration – working together to achieve what any one of us can’t do in isolation. The traditional, competitive nature of business relationships will not achieve this vision, we need to understand and act differently.

At Zerogen, our consortium of global and local industry and community partners are all moving together, creating integrated, local hydrogen value chain, embedding value and retaining the benefits for all in our region, and in each region we work. Together we are creating a distributed, local hydrogen ecosystem, changing our perception of waste and creating a circular, regional, zero emissions future.